WIP Strategic and technical advisory board
WIP is an ambitious project with carefully selected members and various types of interrelated activities. Thus, it requires an efficient management structure, which can handle the complexity and integration of many different ventures.
A WIP Strategic and Technical Board has been designed so that the management's tasks and responsibilities are well defined, along with as decision-making procedures, a responsibility structure and financial procedures.

WIP Strategic and Technical Advisory Board
Headed by: WIP Managing Director/Deputy
Purpose: Highest decision making power
Participants: CDC plus members (one representative and vote per party)
Decisions: Majority vote, a quorum constitutes 1/3 of the voting members
Duties: Decision on technical exploitation, WIP Core Research planning, IPR
Meetings: Fixed interval 6 months and on demand at CDC or remotely
Each Member has one seat at the WIP Strategic and Technical Advisory Board to provide advice on the direction of the project and its priorities. The Board will meet approximately every six months with the goal to shape WIP, to provide input into existing and future WIP Core Research and, if desired, to initiate and define WIP Funded Projects.