
Welcome to WIP’s publicly available knowledge page. New articles are constantly added and existing articles are updated.

WIP Knowledge covers relevant and interesting topics on well integrity. However, it is not the place where one can find results of our ongoing research. WIP Knowledge is mainly produced by MUL students and could be part of a “Literature Review”, which is an element of their thesis.

WIP Knowledge articles are quality-checked by WIP team members, but we do not claim that articles are completely error-free. Feel free to contact us and give us suggestions on how to improve.

All Categories

CO2 Related

Digitalization & Automation


Well Integrity Evaluation & Remediation

A Cutting-Edge Approach in Cement Testing for Carbon Capture and Storage Applications

CO2 Related

Real-Time Monitoring of the Effect of CO2 on the Cement Sheath

CO2 Related

A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Real-Time Autonomous Decision-Making in Well Construction

Digitalization & Automation

Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Real Time Rate of Penetration Optimization

Digitalization & Automation

Machine Learning Techniques Application for Real-Time Drilling Hydraulic Optimization

Digitalization & Automation

Ultrasound velocity profiling technique for in-line rheological measurements: A prospective review

Digitalization & Automation

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Investigate the Cement Integrity for Underground Hydrogen Storage Wells


Evaluation of Cement-Casing & Cement-Rock Bond Integrity During Well Operations

Well Integrity Evaluation & Remediation

Hyperbaric Welding and Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing for Downhole Applications in the Oil and Gas Industry

Well Integrity Evaluation & Remediation

Polymer-Based Sealing Materials as Cement Alternative to Restore Wellbore Isolation

Well Integrity Evaluation & Remediation